Friends of the Westfield Athenaeum

Supporting the programs and services of the Westfield Athenaeum since 1996

Our Mission

The mission of the Friends is to support the programs and services of the Westfield Athenaeum through fundraising and volunteerism, and to raise the public awareness of the Athenaeum within the local community.

Annual Book Sale

The Friends of the Westfield Athenaeum annual book sale will be held May 8th through 10th at the First United Methodist Church in Westfield. Book donations will be accepted during limited hours the week of April 21st through 26th. For more information click the link below.

T-Shirts Featuring Logo Contest Winners Make Perfect Gifts

We loved the winners of our logo contest so much that we put them on T-shirts! Order through Bonfire in a range of colors and sizes; proceeds come back to the Friends and support Athenaeum programs and services. 

Please Join Us!

Now is the time to renew your membership if you have not already done so this year, or to join for the first time.  Membership dues constitute a significant portion of funds raised.  Membership is $10 for individuals, $25 for families, and $50 for patrons, and is valid from September 1 to August 31.  You can join by mailing in the Friends Membership Form with your payment (make checks payable to FOTWA), by submitting the form and payment to the Circulation Desk at the Library, or by using our electronic membership form and paying with Venmo (@FOTWA) or Google Pay (  Already a member?  Consider making an additional donation, and encourage friends to join.

Business memberships are also available for $25 (Supporter), $50 (Patron), and $100 (Benefactor).  Business members receive a thank you mention in the Friends quarterly newsletter. E-mail if you would like to sign up for a business membership.

Volunteer to help with an event!

Volunteers are always needed to help with fund-raisers.  E-mail if you would like to add your name to our list of volunteers. 


Contact for more information